Moving can be stressful and you understand what is occurring. It can be very stressful for your pets who are leaving their home and comfort zone for a new place.

First, if you are moving into an apartment or rented home, make sure your new home is pet friendly. This may change your plans. After all, your pets are family.
It's best to do this way ahead of the move. However, it's never too late to check either. If you're moving into a rented home, check with the landlord or management company to ensure they allow pets. Also, scout the area for parks or walkways nearby.
Make Boarding Arrangements for Moving Day
Moving day has the potential to become chaotic for both you and your pets. Keep in mind that there will be people coming in and out of your home that your pet doesn't recognize. This may cause stress for your pets, and they may attempt to flee through an open door. Due to their stress, they may resist your calls to return to you.
Hence, the best-case scenario here is to schedule boarding for your pet or have a familiar face watch them while the move takes place. If boarding your pet, it's best to call ahead of time as most people move on the weekends - which also happens to be peak hours for boarding.
Cater to Your Pets
This is a much more challenging time for them than it is for you. They are creatures of habit, and even slight disruption causes major changes in their behavior. Make them comfortable by allowing them to sleep in the bed, taking them for walks, or even giving them plenty of treats. Pets commonly consume much less food and water during stressful times. Be sure to monitor their intake and encourage them to continue their regular consumption. Also, be mindful of them while you're away. If you have a chance, break away for a bit and spend some time with them to prevent them from feeling neglected.
Stay on Your Routine
Pets love routine. They expect the same activities at more or less the same times each day. Do your best to keep as many variables constant as you can. As an example, feeding and walking them.
Keep Familiar Items Handy
Your pets generally have some items they love being around that make them comfortable like a blanket or a toy. Bring these into the new residence as quickly as possible to help your pet associate them with their new home.
Take Some Time for Them
Regardless of the chaos that's going on during the move. It's important to take some time out of your day to play with your pets in the new home and make them feel loved. This helps to create a positive association with the new location.
Update Their ID Tags
Are your pets microchipped? Keep in mind these chips store your personal information. Hence, it's important to update this information after each move. These chips are no good to you with outdated information.
Survey Your Yard
Do you have dogs or cats? They will be spending time in your yard. Make sure that there are no harmful chemicals or pesticides present in the grass. Also, keep gates and fences closed if you have them. As previously mentioned, your pet may attempt to flee during this stressful time - so be alert.
Slowly Transition Your Outdoor Cats
If you have an outdoor cat, try keeping them indoors for the first few nights. Naturally, the cat might become disoriented and not recognize home. Gradually allow them to spend more time outside while they associate with their new home.
Moving day doesn't have to be difficult. With some planning, those daunting tasks become simple to accomplish. You and your pets will appreciate it!